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Prof. Dr. Gabriele Pfitzer

Institut für Systemische Physiologie
Universität zu Köln
Robert-Koch-Str. 39
Gebäude 45
50931 Köln
Tele.: +49 221 478-6949
FAX  : +49 221 478-3538

Education and professional career

Since 2018      Professor i.R.
Since 2016      Member executive committee, 
                          VBIO - German Life Sciences Association
Since 2012      Associate Editor of Acta Physiologica
2008-2010      Member, Board of the German Physiological Society
2007                 President, German Physiological Society
2006-2007      Visiting Professor, University of Virginia
1996-2018      Professor (C4) and Chair, Institute of Vegetative Physiology, UoC
1996-2004      Editorial Board, American Journal of Physiology
1994-1996      Associate Professor (C3), Institute of Physiology, Charité, Berlin
1988-1994      Docent (C2), Institute of Physiology II, University of Heidelberg
1984-1986      Residency in Pediatrics, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
1986-1988      Residency in Pediatrics, University of Heidelberg
1980-1984      Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Heidelberg
1980                 MD thesis in Physiology, University of Heidelberg
1972-1979      Medical School, University of Heidelberg and University of Glasgow


1996                 Arthur-Weber-Price, German Cardiac Society
2000-2014      several poster prices of the German Physiological Society to PhD students
                          and postdoctoral scientists

Professional Service (selected)

2011-2015       Vice-Dean for Financial Affairs, Medical Faculty, UoC
2007-2011       Vice-Dean of the Medical Faculty, Medical Faculty, UoC
2001-2015       Chair Finanz- und Haushaltskommission
Since 2009       Kommission Vergabe von Studiengebühren und QVK
2008-2010       Board Member of the German Physiological Society
2008-2009       President German Physiological Society
2004 -2008      Chair, Board for Animal Housing Committee of the Medical Faculty
2003 to 2005   Member “Fachbereichsrat”
Since 2001       Curriculumskommission

Scientific interest

Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Calcium regulation of sarcomere function, biomechanics of the cardiac sarcomere, myofibrillar myopathies, regulation of smooth muscle contraction, development of contractile function