PD. Dr. habil. Filomain Nguemo is research group leader (Electrophysiology) at the Institute for Neurophysiology at the University of Cologne. After studying biology at the University of Yaoundé (Cameroon), he joined Prof. Jürgen Hescheler's team at the medical school of the University of Cologne where he obtained his PhD in biology. Nguemo´s scientific work aims at better understanding of the networks controlling cell specification (e.g. cardiomyocytes) and improving the physiological understanding of the developing and diseased heart. His major research work includes the usage of electrophysiology techniques to characterize the change of cardiac function and the modulation by drugs, measuring Ca2+ homeostasis and transients of single cardiac cells and signalling pathways involved in heart failure and arrhythmogenesis. His work also focuses on pharmacological screening for the cardiac action of drugs based on large-scale testing using embryonic stem (ES), induced pluripotent(iPS) cell-derived cardiomyocytes and myocardial slices (e. g. from human origin), which provide a single, human-based model to access electrophysiological, biochemical and viability cytotoxic endpoints under acute and longer-term exposures. He is involved in numerous projects financed by the EU and BMBF.
Filomain Nguemo, PD. Dr. habil.
Institute of Neurophysiology
Center for Physiology and Pathophysiology
Medical School University of Cologne
Robert-Koch Str. 39
50931 Cologne Germany
2nd floor, room 2019B
Tel. +49-221-478-6940
Fax +49-221-478-3834
email: filo.nguemouni-koeln.de